How to prep and spray a room fast. Second coat is done with sprayer. It’s a much better finish than any roller can deliver. #Facts. Baseboards and doors are painted after !!
How To Spray Interior Rooms . Fast With Minimum Over Spray. First Coat!
by Sally Hofer | Jan 26, 2018 | Exterior Painting | 17 comments

how are you not getting over spray on the door on your stroke going towards the door? or at the least Fallout dust
I think I’d be kinda pissed if someone I hired to paint my house did this. And I can’t imagine any touch up would look right after spraying and not back rolling. But if it works for them….
I use similar techniques but there is no way this came out even with just one coat and no backroll. Also I doubt the ceiling lines are acceptable. Great for 1st coat though. You Need to learn to not start and stop on the surfaces being sprayed. Thick laps stand out like a sore thumb.
We’re are you ears Micky Mouse
Mickey Mouse where’s your ears
te va agarra Navidad kamarada
do you guys no know that spraying makes paint go air born then it settles down ….
What kind of spray gun is that? Works well! How do you touch that up if there was a defect?
I can beat that time by 5 minutes….I turn 5 units a day solomente!!!!! rookie…..3dQualityPainting,llc
I would of been very impressed if it was back rolled but enjoy the vid . If they ever do touch up with brush or roller you Will notice the difference. Cause wAlls was sprayed to a smooth finish. For a fast job rental I guess it’s good in and out get that bread
Oversprayed bass bord 8:20
Good hustle though.
But it’d be realler if you included how fast and we’ll you correct a slop up.
That’s the difference between experienced pros in the real world…
How fast and well you can correct, fix, or hide slop ups.
Let me ask you because i have a 395 what size tip are you using and did you have to add water to your paint if so and how much and does it matter if the paint is latex or oil base when determining to add water?
Definitely not consistent spray pattern I’ve been spraying for 20 years always back roll. If homeowner or yourself had to do touch ups you will notice a difference. But I did enjoy vid. You teach me how not to spray . I use this vid to show my workers how I don’t want my jobs done .
overspray all over the place…cut and roll would be even faster
I guarantee runs specs of lil paint blind to the camera lol no back role wow lol
What type of tip are you using
Fast, quality questionable. Raleigh NC